My work is constantly evolving, but some aspects are set in stone. I use midfire clays which fully vitrify at cone 6 (around 1200*c), allowing glaze colours and effects not possible at high stoneware temperatures.
I started out using commercial glazes, but after a lot of work studying and researching glaze chemistry and formulation, I have created several of my own glazes, and going forward I intend for all work to be glazed with my own glazes. These glazes use a wide range of ingredients and colour oxides, and are formulated for durability as much as for beauty. They are all performance tested before being put into use on functional pieces.
I use a range of clays, from fine white midfire Lumina porcelain, through the beautiful light sandy buff of Midfire 33, and all the way to the texture and character of gritty black Dark Matter. Each clay lends itself to different forms and techniques, and creates different glaze effects. I am constantly experimenting with new techniques and refining forms.